History & Founders Bio

Biography of Abraham Vos

Founder of 'For Your Good Ministries'

Founder Abraham Vos

I was born again at 10 years old and had an upbringing that resembled a seesaw; extreme highs and plummeting lows.

The highs were my born-again experience, being a part of a very vibrant Youth Group, being baptized in the Holy Spirit and initially enjoying my Christianity. Many referred to me as a young man who was ‘on fire for God.’ I preached my first sermon, aged 14, in the adult church service, and knew then that God had a call on my life.

The lows began from when my Mom walked out on my Dad, my three sisters and I. I was aged 14 at the time. My Dad was an extremely ill man and so we had a most rough teenage upbringing, staying in different family homes and being exposed to some of the most challenging circumstances whilst my Dad lay in a hospital bed much of the time.

These extreme highs and plummeting lows served to confuse me and progressively my relationship with the Lord floundered. A compounding factor to all this was the ‘religiously minded’ church we were attending at the time.

Vanessa and I got married in 1983 when I was 24 years old. Our first 8 years of marriage were most challenging. Our marriage was hanging on a thread and the thread was frayed. With the deafening scream of divorce so clear and imminent I cried out to God, and He heard my cry.

I threw myself at the feet of Jesus in desperation and dived into scripture studying marriage and how to be a husband and father. Our children, then aged 5 and 3, were emotionally strung out at the time and to this day when I see pics of them at that age, I get a little emotional for they looked so forlorn. – Today our children of 39 and 37 are happily married and have blessed us with three of the grandest of grandsons. Vanessa and I are too the parents of two wonderful, adopted girls now aged 21 and 18.

I enjoyed business and became a director in a large company and eventually had my own business which I sold in 1998 as God had called us into pastorship. We were on the pastoral team of a large church for 4 years where from we were planted out to start a new church which we led and pastored for 9 years as the senior Pastors.

Through all these seasons my passion for the Word of God grew and grew and revelation progressively became an everyday experience. Today, there is never a time that I open scripture that revelation does not ‘jump off the page’ at me – The Word of God is living and active!

I too studied through Charis Bible College for 4 years and God used a man called Andrew Wommack to profoundly impact my life.

Since 1999 God has given me many words both personally and through many people that He was developing a deep reservoir of ‘substance’ within me that would reach and impact the audience of the world and into perpetuity.

This desire kept on growing until I knew that I knew that God had told me to birth ‘For Your Good’ Ministries in the year of 2021. I felt God tell me that my full ‘nine-month term’ of pregnancy was over; that the ‘substance’ of what He had developed within me was now ready to ‘be birthed’ and shared with the world.

The heart of ‘For Your Good’ Ministries is just as the name of the Ministry implies – We exist ‘For Your Good’.

The heart’s desire, or vision, for the Ministry is to go as far and as wide with the message of the goodness of God; as well as to teach the answers that scripture has for any plight that man may have, and to answer any doctrinal questions that man may have.

A primary vehicle for our vision is our Pastors Bible College which is expressly for the attendance of Pastors and 5-Fold Minsters. Please see our Pastors tab in this regard on our website.

God’s richest blessing together with our fond love for each and every one without exception,

Abraham Vos

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