For Your Good Ministries introduces Transformation Bible College
FYGMinistries' founding scripture: Roman’s 1v11 - (For Your Good Ministries International’s founding scripture): - “For I long to be with you ‘that’ I may impart some good gift for ‘your’ good”.
TBC Founding Scripture Romans 12v1-2
TBC Founding Scripture Romans 12v1-2
For Your Good Ministries introduces Transformation Bible College
FYGMinistries' founding scripture: Roman’s 1v11 - (For Your Good Ministries International’s founding scripture): - “For I long to be with you ‘that’ I may impart some good gift for ‘your’ good”.
TBC Founding Scripture Romans 12v1-2
TBC Founding Scripture Romans 12v1-2
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Transformation Bible College presented by For Your Good
For Your Good Founding Verse Romans 1v11
Transformation Bible College Founding Verse Romans 12v1
Transformation Bible College Founding Verse Romans 12v2
Transformation Bible College presented by For Your Good
For Your Good Founding Verse Romans 1v11
Transformation Bible College Founding Verse Romans 12v1
Transformation Bible College Founding Verse Romans 12v2
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Founder Abraham Vos
Abraham Vos

The founder of ‘For Your Good’ Ministries International and Transformation Bible College is a four-year graduate of Charis Bible College International, as he is a graduate of multiple other Bible Study Institutions over many decades.

Abraham Vos is a teacher of the Word and has a passion to make disciples as Jesus instructed the church to do. With many other great teachers of the Word, you will be blessed, transformed, and find God’s solutions, will, purpose, and direction for your life as you sit under the Word. “You were created for a purpose! – Do you know what that purpose is?” – TBC will help you to find your purpose”

The primary way to make disciples is to ‘teach’ – Matthew 28v20. At TBC you will sit under the Word for four hours per day and be exposed to other optional alternative teaching opportunities and activities in the afternoons. A year spent under the life-releasing Word will transform you, as well as teach and direct you to the wonderful plans God has for your life and set you up to be successful on many fronts. (Romans 12v1-2).

Founder Abraham Vos
Abraham Vos




The founder of ‘For Your Good’ Ministries International and Transformation Bible College is a four-year graduate of Charis Bible College International, as he is a graduate of multiple other Bible Study Institutions over many decades.

Abraham Vos is a teacher of the Word and has a passion to make disciples as Jesus instructed the church to do. With many other great teachers of the Word, you will be blessed, transformed, and find God’s solutions, will, purpose, and direction for your life as you sit under the Word. “You were created for a purpose! – Do you know what that purpose is?” – TBC will help you to find your purpose”

The primary way to make disciples is to ‘teach’ – Matthew 28v20. At TBC you will sit under the Word for four hours per day and be exposed to other optional alternative teaching opportunities and activities in the afternoons. A year spent under the life-releasing Word will transform you, as well as teach and direct you to the wonderful plans God has for your life and set you up to be successful on many fronts. (Romans 12v1-2).

Matthew 29v20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Below are the TBC track options that will be available from 01 Feb 2024.

Together with the live TBC teachings you will receive, you too will also be taught from the materials of various other Bible Colleges. (These are optional and are offered at the relative pricing of the respective Ministries.)

Students will enjoy shared lodging on the premises throughout the year. The Student will have a comfortable place to stay and enjoy three meals a day, attend Bible College Monday to Fridays from 9-00am to 13-00pm...   Read More

Students will enjoy shared lodging on the premises throughout the year. The Student will have a comfortable place to stay and enjoy three meals a day, attend Bible College Monday to Fridays from 9-00am to 13-00pm, enjoy afternoon and evening activity options, amongst other benefits. (The monthly fee for this residential option will be R7 250-00 per month payable in advance). This option offers a one term (3 months), one year, or two-year curriculum track.

This track is available in ‘one term’, ‘one year’, or ‘two year’ alternatives. You can therefore enrol for one term, one year, or two years.

A 5% discount is offered to all Students who pay either their one term, one year, or two years up front.

A R500-00 Registration fee is payable upon Application submission.


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Transformation Bible College TBC Pastors Track
A Pastor will attend Bible College on Tuesdays from 9-00 am and until Wednesday 15-00 pm. The Pastor will sleep one night per week; IE Tuesday night and will then return to Pastor his/her church thereafter...   Read More

A Pastor will attend Bible College on Tuesdays from 9-00 am and until Wednesday 15-00 pm. The Pastor will sleep one night per week; IE Tuesday night and will then return to Pastor his/her church thereafter. The Pastor will enjoy teachings from 9-00am until 15-30pm on Tuesday, and from 9-00am until 15-00pm on Wednesday. The Pastor will enjoy a served lunch and dinner on Tuesday and a breakfast and lunch on Wednesday and will be availed to all other activities on the premises. (A monthly cost for this option is R2250-00) 

  • We are trusting our Partners to also sponsor Pastors. We realise it is vital for our Pastors to be discipled in the Word and will avail ourselves to progressive relationships, counsel, church governmental input, and discipleship and mentorship amongst others.
  • To Note – We are looking into a ‘full Saturday’ Pastors and Students option and if you are interested in this option, please advise and we will respond to you accordingly.

This track is available in ‘one term’, ‘one year’, or ‘two year’ alternatives. You can therefore enrol for one term, one year, or two years.

A 5% discount is offered to all Students who pay either their one term, one year, or two years up front.

A R500-00 Registration fee is payable upon Application submission.


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GAP-WoG Transformation Bible College TBC Young Adults Bible College
In this option the Young Adult (18-25) will enjoy all that option one above offers but will have additional afternoon input and activities. (A monthly cost for this option will be R6850-00). This track will be referred to as our GAP-WoG Track....  
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In this option the Young Adult (18-25) will enjoy all that option one above offers but will have additional afternoon input and activities. (A monthly cost for this option will be R7750-00). This track will be referred to as our GAP-WoG Track.

This track is available in ‘one term’, ‘one year’, or ‘two year’ alternatives. You can therefore enrol for one term, one year, or two years.

A 5% discount is offered to all Students who pay either their one term, one year, or two years up front.

A R500-00 Registration fee is payable upon Application submission.


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To Note: –

  • All the above tracks run concurrently with the schooling terms by and large; IE we recess in and around the Government School Holiday periods. 
  • The active teaching calendar of the Bible College for 2023 is from Wednesday 01 February until Friday 10 November 2023.
  • Our Student Graduation Ceremony Celebration will be held on Saturday evening at 18-00pm, 11 November 2023.
  • Monthly fees are calculated in consideration of the recess/holiday periods; IE the fees are an annual fee that have been divided over equal payments.
Transformation Bible College Venue Header Mountains
Transformation Bible College Venue Header Mountains

To Note: –

We are currently looking at premises options and are engaging persons in this regard. It is our trust that a ‘set apart’ type premises will be secured in a most picturesque, nature, and mountainous orientated area. (As Jesus drew aside to be set apart, so too do we believe that this is the best way to be discipled).

Further to engaging persons regarding our premises we have requested for our Partners (and all concerned or interested) to pray regarding the right premises, and to share with us any premises prospects they may have, or have been made aware of, for the Bible College’s consideration.

Further details regarding our premises will be made known soonest same has been secured.

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If you own or know of suitable premises, that are set apart in a most picturesque, natural, and mountainous orientated area, please kindly complete this form to let us know.
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Do you want to be a blessing by sowing into someone’s life and be a partaker of the fruit that comes from their transformed life? Imagine the eternal impact one transformed life; one transformed Pastor may bring! Here’s your opportunity to be a blessing.

Do you want to be a blessing by sowing into someone’s life and be a partaker of the fruit that comes from their transformed life? Imagine the eternal impact one transformed life; one transformed Pastor may bring! Here’s your opportunity to be a blessing.

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