The following Test is an open book, and open Bible test. You are therefore permitted to go to your Manual and refer to the pertinent Scriptures as may be required. There are 100 questions in total – Each question therefore represents 1% towards your test result.
Section One - True or False Questions. – Tick the correct box; the box that is the right answer to the question. Tick only True or False.
1. This Course is for all persons whether they are single, to be married, married, divorced, remarried with blended families, marriages under duress or struggling; or marriages seeking to be enriched.
2. This Course can also be used free of charge by Pastors and Leaders to train and equip people in their Churches, Life Groups, and/or to use in a Conference type setting.
3. Anyone is allowed to use the Resources of this Course in a Church, Conference, or Small Group context free of charge?
4. I am allowed to e mail this Course; IE the recordings, the PDF notes, and the test, free of charge to any member of my family, my friends, my School, or anyone who I believe may benefit from it.
5. I am not allowed to charge a financial fee to anyone who may attend the Course as I facilitate it.
6. I am allowed to copy/print the PDF notes of the Marriage and Family Course as long as I do not alter any of the content in the Manual whatsoever; IE I am to copy it as is.
7. I am to advise For Your Good Ministries by e mail ( of all the persons names that are doing the course I am facilitating.
8. It is encouraged that all who do the Course that I am facilitating are to write the test so that they can be certified as having successfully completed the Course. (For Your Good Ministries will then mail the Certificate to both me as the Facilitator, and to the one who has written the test.)
9. It is the Ministry Partners of For Your Good Ministries who have made this Course free of charge to all who may make use of it?
10. It is not a good idea to meditate on, and go through the Course on a regular basis. A once off going through the Course is more than enough.
11. According to Mark 7v13 it is a good thing for me to hold onto my traditions and doctrines (my cultures), as these are greater than what God has to say in The Word.
12. According to Proverbs 14v12 the way that seems right to me will never lead to destruction, failure, or heartache.
13. According to Romans 12v1-2 it is most important that I first lay down my traditions, doctrines, and cultures, if ever I am going to know the Good, Acceptable, and Perfect Will of God.
14. According to Romans 12v1-2 I should hold tightly onto my way of thinking as this is the best way to transform my mind.
15. According to Jeremiah 10v23 man knows the best way to direct, and conduct his life – Man does not need to know God’s way.
16. According to Hosea 4v6 we as mankind perish/suffer/fail because of our lack of Godly, or Biblical knowledge.
17. According to John 1v1 we should never go to The Word in the beginning of any new season we are going into. The Word is not helpful.
18. According to Genesis 1v1-3 the Holy Spirit only ‘goes to work’ on my behalf when I choose to embrace, say, and do The Word.
19. According to John 8v31-32 it is up to God as to whether I walk in, and experience, being free; I have nothing to do with it.
20. Whenever I apply, and do The Word by faith, I can be sure that my life in that area is going to prosper.
21. No marriage situation is beyond repair if we go to The Word and practice it!
22. In John 10v10 we learn that it is Jesus who came to steal, kill, and destroy our lives and that Satan came to give us life.
23. In James 1v21b-22 we learn that we deceive ourselves if we are not being doers of The Word.
24. In both Genesis 1v1-3, and John 1v1 we learn of The Law of First Reference, which is to go to God/The Word first in every situation and every season, or context in life.
25. In Genesis 2v21-22 we learn of The Law of First Institution which is Marriage. All things are to be processed into and from our Marriage and its Family.
26. In Genesis 2v24, and Ephesians 5v24, we learn that we are to leave our Father and our Mother so that we can be united to our spouses.
27. From the day we are married our spouses are to be considered as higher than our Parents, our Siblings, our Friends, Hobbies, Sports, and Business activities.
28. Love is the only thing that will always fail you.
29. Love means that we exist and make all decisions for the benefit of others above ourselves, as Jesus did.
30. The truest expression of love is to serve another, or serve one another.
31. In Genesis 2v18 we learn that it is not good for man to be alone.
32. Marriage is firstly and foremostly a spiritual experience and is therefore an inside out experience.
33. According to 2 Corinthians 6v14-15 it is a wise thing to get married to someone who is unequally yoked to you.
34. Marriage is a contract and not a covenant.
35. In a contract you protect your rights.
36. In a covenant you give up your rights.
37. According to Ephesians 5v22 the husband is the head of the wife ‘as’ Christ is the head of the church; IE a husband is to lead his wife ‘as’ Christ leads the church.
38. According to Ephesians 5v25 a husband’s love is described as giving himself up for his bride, as Jesus did for His bride/the church.
39. According to Ephesians 5v26 the husband is to scrub and harshly brush the wife with The Word of God.
40. According to Ephesians 5v28&33 the husband who loves his wife loves himself; IE a man can only love his wife to the measure that he loves himself.
41. According to Ephesians 5v33b a wife is to disrespect her husband.
42. According to Ephesians 5v31 we are to ‘leave’ our father and mother ‘so that’ we can become ‘one flesh’ with our spouse.
43. The role of the wife, as Helper, is to rebut, challenge, and be contrary to her husband as he leads according to the example of Christ.
44. It is the role of the parents of the bride and groom to interfere and tell the married couple what to do.
45. If, as a married couple, we are prepared to go to, and apply, The Word then no marriage is beyond reconciliation and restoration.
46. In the case of divorce, we need to do our level best not to have the children caught in the cross fire of our ‘dispute’; IE we need to protect the children as best as is possible.
47. It is always best to argue and fight in front of your children.
48. If I am divorced then my children just need to deal with it and get over it. After all, it is all about me and what I want and decide.
49. Children are never adversely affected by divorce.
50. Whenever we may need to discipline our child, we should always do so against them, and never for them.
51. As Jesus is the Groom to His bride the church, so a husband is to be groom to his bride.
52. A healthy, successful, and fruitful marriage is the result of two people serving and benefiting each other.
53. The greatest success in marriage is to leave a godly legacy to your children’s children, to 1000 generations.
54. To live in a state of constant forgiveness keeps me free from offense and being hurt.
55. To extend forgiveness to another is the highest order of forgiveness for it sets my oppressor/wrong doer free just as Jesus forgave and did for me.
56. If I am going to be married a second time it is imperative that I adopt my future spouse’s children ‘in my heart’.
57. I can insist and enforce that my second spouse’s children respect and honor me. I don’t need to earn their respect.
58. It is helpful to run my previous spouse down to my new spouse and their children.
59. Children are to be loved, nurtured, understood, considered, and raised in my example of Jesus.
60. Children do as I say, even if what I say, is not what I am doing.
61. After God as being first in our lives, our Marriages and Family are the very most important and destiny defining areas of our lives.
62. All other things in our lives, including business and finance, are to serve our Marriages and Families, as well as the purposes of God firstly and foremostly.
63. We should sacrifice, or risk, our relationships with God, our spouses, and our families at the altar of business, money, and my buddies.
64. Time spent is one of the best investments we can make into our marriages and families.
65. Behavior is most often an indicator, or signal, of an inward struggle, lack, or hurt within a child. Tend to the hurt and the behavior will change.
66. According to 1 Timothy 3v1-13, the number one ‘qualification’ for a Pastor is that he/she has a good marriage and family.
67. It is true that at the end of the day my ‘good success’ will be found to be at the level of my marriage and family status.
68. The true, and legacy level, of any church is determined by the health of the Pastor and the people in the church’s marriages and families.
69. Family is the number one picture of the example, or representation, of the Godhead.
70. It is true that Marriage and Family is most often the number one area that we are least equipped in, although it is the 2nd and 3rd most important areas of our lives.
71. It is of high, high value that we continually go to The Word on Marriage, Family, and Parenting.
72. We can be used of God to influence our unbelieving spouse by practicing what 1 Peter 3v1-12 teaches us to practice.
73. Whenever we do God’s Word in any area of our lives God is willingly ‘obligated’ to ensure its promised result will be ours to enjoy.
74. Marriage, Family, and Parenting is designed by God to be a rich blessing in our lives. We enjoy this blessing by doing these according to how The Word teaches us to do so.
75. It is not God who determines the outcome of life but me. My choices determine my results.
76. The number one pandemic on the earth is Fatherlessness – IE Absent or abdicating Fathers.
77. If I make a woman pregnant it is my duty, responsibility, and privilege to support her and the child in multiple areas including financial maintenance.
78. God loves me, is ever there for me, will never deny me, will always help me in any area of my life. God will never leave me nor forsake me.
79. I will support For Your Good Ministries to spread The Word far, wide, and deep by following, liking, and sharing their posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Spotify.
80. For Your Good Ministries would value and appreciate my consideration to Partner with them, so that in Team we can together reach and impact the world.
Section Two - Multiple Choice Questions. ( Click on ONLY ONE of the four options below. )
1. What is the founding Scripture of For Your Good Ministries International?
2. According to Psalm 119v105 The Word of God is: -
3. The primary function of a wife in marriage is to be her husbands.
4. As head of the home the Husband is to function as follows.
5. Should we be considering a second marriage, we should.
6. It is important to go into a second marriage.
7. According to Psalm 107v20 He sent Hs Word to.
8. According to 1 Peter 3v3-4.
9. According to Proverbs 23v7 a man is as.
10. According to 1 Peter 3v7 the wife is the.
11. The action of love is to.
12. According to Matthew 18v21-22 how many times should we forgive someone?
13. Forgiveness translates into.
14. God has made us male and female to.
15. According to Proverbs 22v6.
16. According to Ephesians 6v1-4 children are to obey and honor their Parents as.
17. As the head of the home the Husband/Father has 4 of the five primary senses attached to, or a part, of a head. These are.
18. What was the first thing the enemy/Satan sort to achieve when he tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
19. According to the very last two versus in the Old Testament; Malachi 4v5-6, it was of very high importance to God that.
20. According to Ephesians 6v4 we as fathers will exasperate our children if we don’t bring them up.