A Bible College specifically for Pastors, those in 5-Fold Ministry, and those who feel they have a call into any expression of Ministry.
- 80% of all Pastors and those in the 5-Fold Ministry are no longer in the Ministry within 5 years.
- Only 4% of all Pastors and those in the 5-Fold Ministry complete their lives still in the Ministry.
- Less than 2% of Churches truly impact and transform their Communities.
- Over 80% of Churches are considered as being ‘barely existing’ or ‘slowly dying’ Churches.
- Less than 3% of Christians are living in and enjoying the benefits of what Christ won for them.
- Multiplied droves claim ‘they have been hurt’ by the Church’.
Yet, when reading through the book of Acts we find the very opposite statistics!!
- Daily those who were being saved were added to the Church, on occasion 3000 in one day!
- Miracles, Signs, and Wonders were the order of every day. The dead were raised, the blind saw, the deaf heard, the lame walked, the sick were healed, people were delivered/set free, ‘handkerchiefs and shadows’ healed, and multitudes were ‘on fire for God’.
- Nations, Cities, Towns, Townships, Communities were being turned ‘upside down’. The entire cultures of cities and towns were drastically transformed.
- Despite opposition, the Church advanced like a rampaging army taking territory back from the enemy.
- The Church was strong, mighty, impactful, influential, vibrant, and filled with life; abundant life!
- The Church was a, was the light; a city on a hill – Darkness was dispelled.
- Without a shadow of a doubt people ‘knew there was a God’ – There was no question of that – The evidence was abundantly apparent!
- The result – The Gospel and The Word spread mightily.
Pastors Bible College trains, teaches, resources, and equips Pastors and 5-Fold Ministers from Scripture on how to establish effective Church, how to transform Communities, how to ensure Success, and how to live in and enjoy the benefits Christ won for us –
We too should be living in the book of Acts!!
The heart, desire, intent, and purpose, Jesus had for His Church?
Matthew 16v18
18 … I will build My church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.
- Let’s build the Church that Jesus builds – Let’s therefrom be the Church that the gates of hell ‘cannot’ prevail against!
These are Groups of Pastors & 5-Fold Ministers that gather together in Groups to do the Bible College from a Venue of their choosing. This Group has a designated Facilitator who coordinates the Group and arranges/sets up for the Group Meetings. The teachings are shared by Video and Scriptures and Notes are made available for each Group Meeting. Teachings will be mailed to the Group Facilitator each Friday of the week thereby extending the Facilitator the opportunity to host the Group over the weekend or through the following week.
Should you desire to be a Regional Group Facilitator please fill in the details on the enquiry form at the bottom of this information document.
Correspondence Students are those who study privately and personally from their homes or a place of their chosen convenience. Teachings will be mailed to you each Friday of the week thereby extending you the opportunity to take in the teachings over the weekend or through the following week.
Both Regional Facilitator Groups and Correspondence Students do three teachings of 50 minutes per week over 10 months of the year – Scriptures and Notes are provided for both contexts. Personal Notes are made and a short test/quiz of 15 questions based on true or false and/or multiple choice is written each week. These tests/quizzes must be submitted by latest Thursday of the following week. Your accumulated marks then make up your Grade for your official Year One Graduation Certificate. A graduation pass mark average of 70% is to be attained.
- Integrity
- Honesty
- Respect
- Faithfulness
- Diligence
- Punctuality
- Commitment
- Responsibility
- Excellence
- Perseverance
- It is expected that all Students will honor the Values as described as above.
- It is expected that all Students will keep the weekly pace as regards Teaching Lesson completions.
- It is expected that all Tests/Quizzes will be submitted by latest Thursday of the following week.
You will be invited to attend the Live Graduation Ceremony – Should you not be able to attend we will mail you with your official Graduation Certificate.
The following is included in your Bible College enrollment: –
- Free eBooks.
- Free Teaching Videos.
- Low Cost, and/or Free Conference attendances.
- Mentoring by the mailing in of questions and prospective phone calls.
Your first three lessons willl be emailed and/or whatsapped to you on Friday 07 February 2025.
We trust you will be enrolling at Pastors Bible College and look forward to the wonderful, transforming, journey we will walk together.
All God’s very blessed to you, yours, your Church/Ministry, to all those God uses you to influence, and to all those dear to you.